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Profile of a St. Helen Catholic School Graduate

The unique educational experience offered at St. Helen Catholic School is designed to empower students spiritually and intellectually, and prepare them for lifelong learning. As such, a St. Helen Catholic School graduate:


Embraces the Catholic faith, participates in Catholic traditions and practices, and lives Christian values with enthusiasm.
Share the Good News and teaching of Jesus Christ.
Nurtures their personal relationship with God.

Demonstrates a readiness to perform with distinction at the next academic level.
Exhibits a capacity for critical thinking, creative thinking and problem solving.
Understands digital citizenship and the ethical use of technology.
Effectively communicates in spoken word and written form.

Enriches society by contributing to the well-being of others.
Actively participates in local and global communities as a service to others.
Accepts stewardship as a responsibility to God and society.

Exhibits integrity, honesty, and confidence.
Leads by doing as an action-oriented youth.
Presents confidence and strong interpersonal skills.

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